Friday 10 August 2007

A day in the sun

It really does beat work - four years to go!!

A very strong Al and her very small friend Aaron out in the sun today.

HR as a Razvedchik - I don't know to answer your question. You'll have to ask him!
I have just come back from a very tiring day looking after Al and her mate Aaron aka "Floydboy". We normally spend a week going down to Dobwalls during the summer hols but a rather large pile of rubble has stopped us this year. During our drives Aaron was introduced to the delights of the Pink Floyd. He is now a Floyd freak - hence Floydboy. I always try to spread the word!
Anyway back to today. We were supposed to go for a cruise around the Sound and the Warships. Plans change. I went into town with the kids to change my birthday pressy Australian Dollars (from yesterday if anyone wants to note their diary :-) . A little bit of work intruded as some guy was freaking out over his giro in the Post Office. I'm on leave so didn't get involved, but it did make me appreciate my days off a little more! Got my cash. Mum, I am now the proud owner of a Wii game "Mario Party 8", ask Cameron or Tracey sure they can explain!
Sorry about the little domestic diversion there. Back to today. Had to pop back home and let Val and Ches know that the plans had changed so just had to pop into a bakery to get stickies for all. Back home for a cuppa and aforementioned sticky. Then over to Staddiscombe for a tough time looking after two 9 year olds. You can see the pressure I was under from the picture above!
Had a long chat with HR last night instead of watching "My name is Earl". The chat was just as entertaining. All these years and all that's changed is that he has a few more years under his belt and the accent "isn't as posh" according to Val. We spent all that time trying to stop the Red Army and now he is one!
Ah well. 'tis Friday night and methinks Torquay AFC are on the telly in a few minutes so I will wonder downstairs and probably be faced with two fluttering eyes with a request that I watch the match in the kitchen.
Still, football season is upon us again and I have Sky and that funny Spanish sounding set of sports channels - for clarification just look where the ferry from Plymouth sails from and you will see why I get confused. I suppose that means I am tied up until next May. Isn't life hard for us poor footy fans!

Look after yourselves - it's rough out there.

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