Saturday 21 November 2009

bit of fun

Val in action

Me showing my potential

Ches as a pin up

Sorry about this posh!

Al getting carried away

Paris was looking for a new best friend

With many thanks to

Update on Disney's leg. All seems fine, just got to get the insurance sorted!! He is running around with his mates again, but I have restricted him playing with the big boys. He has had a little run with Bear, but on the extender!
Talking about insurance. The ceiling is repaired, but of course the empty room was just shouting at Val "Redecorate me!!!!" Oh fun! The builder has to return to paint so I will give it until then to put photos on this blog.
Saw Big Frank in Morrisons today, his belly is showing signs that he is enjoying his retirement!!!!

I have a new mobile phone. The old one had £10 put on it some time ago and still had over £4 when it finally gave up the ghost! Don't understand the need for the over usage of the damn things!!!! I now have to come up with a ringtone for my new one, give me an excuse to mess about on the PC!!!
Argyle conceded a goal in the third minute of injury time to lose 1-0 away at Leicester. Ah well, Al and I will still be there in our seats next week. This time with an extra supporter as Shaun is over from the CI.
Look after yourselves, especially with the rather strange weather we have been experiencing of late.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

LS&GCM. At Chivenor 5 March 1986
CinC Commendation 2 August 1983.
Val's sister Silv came over yesterday and brought the two photos above around. She has been having a clear out and came across them.
Who is the handsome young airman I hear you ask. Well he is now the KOS writing this blog. Hard to believe eh!!
Anyway. Couple of updates. You will be pleased to know that Disney appears to have made a full recovery. He went for his two walks today, a nice level quiet one with Val then his up the park with his mates one with me. His mate Ruby was up there. She is a Scottie so about his size.
They had a bit of a run and play, I kept my eye on his back leg just in case. All appears fine and no limping on the way home. Just got to complete insurance claim form now to get a bit of the cash back!!!
Talking about insurance. I cleared out the spare (Alice's) room yesterday as the workmen are coming to fix the ceiling tomorrow. They have to have it totally empty. So I spent all of yesterday clearing it out. And I had to use a days flexi leave to do it!
It is amazing how much fits in one room, you only find how much when you have to take it out and deposit it around the house!! Had to take the sofa bed to bits (real fun that!) and disconnect all the electrical kit. Really looking forward to putting it all back together.
Val told me yesterday it was the perfect opportunity to redecorate the room. Of course if the room is redecorated it just HAS to have new curtains.
This washer leak is costing me a flaming fortune!!
You all look after yourselves, no matter where in the world you may be.

Sunday 15 November 2009

Just to rub salt in the wound

And just to rub salt into the wound see pictures of my spare room above!!!
Slow leak and a beastie growing in the loft.
Again I thank the insurance industry. Without the strength of an insurance policy the last week or so would have proved very very expensive!!!
Got a day off tomorrow to empty out the room - oh deep joy!
Update on Disney : Limping a bit but not nearly as bad as yesterday, however he is on painkillers so they may be masking a problem!
Not having a lot of success making sure he has his bed rest!!!!!!!!
At least sister Mary is fixing his coat, now stop reading this Marms and get that sewing tin out!!

Our little boy went out to play with his mates today. This time when he was playing with Bear Dog he yelped, then limped off!
So down to the vets hospital we went fearing the worst. You will be pleased to know that there appears to be no long term damage. We have the X-rays to prove it!!
He has tweaked something and is limping around. He has to have complete rest for the next few days.
Question. How do you make sure a 8 month old westie has complete rest!!!!!!
Ah well, fun as usual at 122. Thank God for insurance, so far the bill is£229.05, and he has to go to our vets for a follow up check on Tuesday.
For those of you that don't know, Bear Dog is a white German Shepard. One of Disneys best mates, they play most evenings without too much hassle, just hope Dizzy now learns he has too be careful playing with the big boys!! Not that I hold out much hope!!
On a different front congratulations to the NZ All Whites. They have qualified for the World Cup and our very own Green Army Rory Fallon got the goal that put them through. I watched the game up to 15 minutes before the end, I couldn't stick it out so fast forwarded to the end of the match. You would think I was watching England play. Just shows when one of "our guys" is in the team how important it can get!!
I think Rory will be the first current Argyle player to play in a World Cup final stage. Go NZ!!
Talking about down under. Happy Birthday to Anne, sissy-in-law in Aus.
Hi to all in Aus from us over here, Clare, B and the dogs. Tony, Anne, Mum, Cameron and Tracey plus her little family. A young woman with her own family now. Not that long ago she was sliding down our stairs with C and Alice. Doesn't time fly!!!
Well, it is now half past midnight and another full day lies behind. Just watched the new Star Trek movie on DVD. Arrived in the post this morning. Cracking film. Even Val watched it!!
Look after yourselves everyone, and night night.

Friday 6 November 2009

Ever wondered?

Ever wondered what happens when you let two 11 year olds free to do what they want?
See the pictures above - thinking about it though, it may have had something to do with All Witches Night.
Al and Zoe had a great time wondering around the streets trying to frighten everyone they met. Trick or treat appears to have taken off in our area. I started with a large container full of packets of sweets and ended up with just the one packet. Phew!!
And now to:

Ever wondered what happens when an eight month old Westie runs around with his best mate?
When the best mate is a rather large white German Sheppard then just look at the shots above.
One very tired little dog. Disney and Bear have only seen each other twice in the last few weeks as Bears dad has been a bit poorly (nice to see you up and about Rob, back to work Monday week mate!!). They made up for lost time. I keep meaning to take the video up as it is so funny watching little and very large play together.
Disney nicked Bears ball tonight but handed it back fairly quickly when he was caught!!
Ever wondered where time goes? Like most people today I just keep meaning to do things, like update this blog, and run out of time.
It is now 8.55 and at 9 there is one of the few programmes Val and I watch together - Benidorm. So there we go I have to dive off now!
I haven't forgotten you all and hope to update on the goings on at 122 - collapsing ceiling and all!!!
Val has just shouted to up so I have to go.
Look after yourselves.