Friday 9 November 2007

Weekend here at last

Podga celebrates with the Navy hostages on their release from Iran - having secured lucrative tabloid paper deals for their story. (PS Spot the girlie!). (Ed. The country is safe now most of this lot are drawing their pensions!!)

A photo from podga's past here. I am guessing the girlie is standing in the middle as centre of attention?

As appears to be the norm at the moment I have been a bit on the busy side, hence nothing from Plymouth for a week!! Work is toddling on and keeping me and my colleagues well occupied - thats enough of that! The dread word is FRAIMS will mean nothing to you but I am just interested if anyone feeds that into Google and ends up here! Very expensive and what appears to be a crap not up to the job IT system just in case you were interested.

At home Val is doing wonders with the hall. I think this weekend I am going to have to get stuck in as 5 foot 4 inches doesn't reach too high, even though I did buy her a super magic ladder! The things I do for her!! She is getting all the paper off the vestibule as I type. 'Tis far more important to get the blog updated than stripping wallpaper off the wall - anyway she tells me she enjoys it!

A quick Happy birthday to Anne, my sister-in-law in sunny Aussie, for next Wednesday. I did Leon's Plaxo thing for e-mails and they sent me a reminder. How the hell they knew it was her birthday, still, modern technology eh!

As a matter of interest still waiting for Tony to post a comment just to prove he looks at this wonderful blog!

Well my friends the turnip farmer has posted another. To be fair on the poor old boy he did comment before last weekend. I just couldn't think of a decent retort to the fact that the mighty Greens are letting me down a little!! Go on Podga - go for it.
"Suffolk Sojourn 26 of 137. The weekend starts here - and did I laugh as I scrolled through your Halloween party photos - when I arrived at the one of Val - and your caption 'Val pissed'. Classic - I'm sure she wasn't really - so hurtful Paulie. Maybe Lucozade and Painkillers don't mix?Reminds me of those old days of putting an Aspirin in your bottle of Coke! The team photo's are excellent - Al looking more like Ches every day.
So, this weekends' football looms. Shall I be crowing again as the Tractor Boys triumph and the Pilgrims slip further into oblivion? As for Leons' Gunners - Man U. are closing buddy.
I've emailed you a photo from the past that came in from Spain - only 'cos I'm in it (Another gang, not as old as ours) and have suggested a caption that might swing it for you to add to the blog. (Editors Decision is Final) So - HR is legally back in the air, and you're putting aircraft spotter pics in. Right - Parachuting material incoming. Love to all ghosts and ghouls in Plymouth. Blue Skies - CT "

I reckon it must be time for me to get tea sorted. Val must be getting a bit hungry now. before I go, on the subject of birthdays. Happy 50th to Andy Parkin of FIS Plymouth fame. You don't look a day over 49 3/4 my son!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Suffolk Sojourn 27 of 137.
2 weekends gone since my last - and the same for you - sulking??
Tractor Boys and Pilgrims have played another 3 matches each - both teams have won 1, drawn 1 and lost 1. Tractor Boys remain above Pilgrims, and still a game in hand.
Early days say's Paulie - yeah, right!
Thanks for putting the Iran hostage photo on - very brave of you.
It's suddenly got colder in Suffolk - picked my final 4lbs of tomatoes today - albeit green. Stand by for a couple of jars of Podga's Home Made Chutney - incoming.
Other than that - I await to read any other comments on your missives. We know they're out there don't we. I'm prepping to strike as the 2,000th visitor - just to repeat my previous triumph of cunning stealth.
Onwards and Upwards, and Blue Skies. CT