Friday 2 November 2007

HR is back in the air

Got an e-mail from HR as he STILL hasn't managed the art of the comment yet! Not the only one is he Clare?

Thought I would share with you all. I reckon he should do a pen picture so we can all get to know him a bit more (Yes I know I know him but you may not!). And what about Blue Skies and Leon I hear you ask. Yeh, why not indeed huh?

"Hiya, the real Bob is back ! I have attached a picture of 'TZ' and the link below for you to see why.
The real reason is that having been on the ground since Jan 07 I booked a check flight at Thruxton and after 35 mins circuit-bashing,which included 3 landings, I was set free !
On top of that : the aircraft in the picture was (I was told) being sold off , but she has been retained by popular demand and so I can continue to fly the most beautiful aircraft I have ever been privileged to control.
On top of that , this now means that I can continue with my solo aerobatics once I get a refresher with Bob Cole. He is an ex lightning pilot and was the CAA Test Pilot for some time.
So the one first and true love of my life (flying) is back, so I am me again!
Have fun and be good. Thanks for the funny emails at work , I enjoy them."

Now you know why I have a picture of an aeroplane on the blog!!

It is now Friday and no more work for two whole days. Val is feeling a bit better so that means she is ripping paper off the wall downstairs. How she enjoys that I will never know. I do know I can hear an awful lot of mumbling from down there!

Have a super weekend, no matter where in the world you are. Visitors feel free to comment!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Suffolk Sojourn 26 of 137.
The weekend starts here - and did I laugh as I scrolled through your Halloween party photos - when I arrived at the one of Val - and your caption 'Val pissed'.
Classic - I'm sure she wasn't really - so hurtful Paulie. Maybe Lucozade and Painkillers don't mix?
Reminds me of those old days of putting an Aspirin in your bottle of Coke!
The team photo's are excellent - Al looking more like Ches every day.
So, this weekends' football looms. Shall I be crowing again as the Tractor Boys triumph and the Pilgrims slip further into oblivion? As for Leons' Gunners - Man U. are closing buddy.
I've emailed you a photo from the past that came in from Spain - only 'cos I'm in it (Another gang, not as old as ours) and have suggested a caption that might swing it for you to add to the blog. (Editors Decision is Final)
So - HR is legally back in the air, and you're putting aircraft spotter pics in. Right - Parachuting material incoming.
Love to all ghosts and ghouls in Plymouth.
Blue Skies - CT