Tuesday 2 October 2007

Man U kick off in 10 minutes

Very quick today, really just to post the comments from our two roving reporters. I say two as the third one (HR) seems to have disappeared into the Russian Steppes (I am sure I have spelt that wrong, sure someone will correct me).

Baby sister Clare is busy saving dogs in New Zealand. Maybe she will post something, or maybe long suffering hubby B will come up with a little ditty.

Without further ado I will hand over to Leon - he got here first I'm afraid podga :-)
"Hi Paul & Val & Family,Firstly may I say congrats to Val for the all clear and hope it stays that way. I too had a scare a few years back and thankfully that too has gone.Secondly sorry about not scribing for a few weeks but have been extremely busy, which of course is good, and although a little quiet this week the manure is due to hit the proverbial fan again next week and the week after.
Tractor boy too has been quiet of late and I think he must be watching the counter in the top left hand corner of the blog so he can whip in there and claim the 1000 tag.......... gawd bless him. No news on the Donaldson front at the moment. I seem to remember years ago that if I was to contact RAF Innsworth Records they may be able to forward a letter on for me if I was to scribe to him. Do you know if this is the case Paul? Also Derek and Barry have not been on which is a bit of a surprise but still there is plenty of time yet.
The mighty " Arsenal " are steaming away which is great for me regarding the fantasy football team selection for my local boozer....... and long may it continue. I will sign off now as my breakfast will not cook itself so keep happy and will scribe again soon. best Leon "

I think you are right old boy, there used to be a system for forwarding letters. I have a horrible feeling it was another of those useful public services that was kicked into touch some years ago. I reckon you would need service numbers though. I reckon the demise of that service would explain the rise of things like the "Forces reunited" website. I know in the good old DWP we no longer forward letters etc.

Nearly kick off time so quickly over to our East Anglian reporter :-0
"Suffolk Sojourn 20 of 137.Helloo and Good Eevenink Plymouth - This is Stowmarket calling, ant many congratulations on a wondervul show.Here are the votes frum the East Anglian Jury:
Luxembourg 208 - Nul Point
Gunners - Une pwan
Paul's GP - Deux pwan
Conservative's Spin - Trois pwan
Pilgrims - Quatre pwan
Tractor Boys - Cinq pwan
38 Special - Six pwan
Alices' Savings - Sept pwan
Podga's Veg Harvest - Huit pwan
Paul's photos - Neuf pwan
Val's All Clear - Dix Points!
And that completes the voting from the Blue Tongue County.
Bonsoir.(In Haste - Busy!)Blue Skies x "

See you all later - nearly 1000!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Suffolk Sojourn 21 of 137 - and I reckon I'm the 1000th visitor - as promised.

So, my boys scraped through - thanks to Rooney. (Please note - Podga has appointed himself a mere mentor to the Tractor Boys as he lives local, but he remains confident and loyal in the meantime - Ed).
PS - Dream on Pilgrims.

Miss Belinda is back in town again - on another course - and presently somewhere in Earls Court with yet another FANY, chewing the fat over the good ol' days with a bottle of Chardonnay.

Thanks for publishing the Groucho and Harpo poloroid by the way - it was a good party! I'm now back to grey hair and moustache at last - never again. Leon's comments when he passed thru' were typically abrasive - put me off Just For Men forever. Me vain? Fwaaghhh!

So - no comms from Barry, Derek or HR - it would be a bonus to hear from them - and 'Sunset Zoe'!?

If you're out tonight - on your bike - don't forget - wear white.

Blue Skies x