Tuesday 23 October 2007

I am on leave

After the fun of the last week or so I am now on four days leave. Day one today and the spare bedroom got itself a clear out along with a new telly and DVD. Well not actually new, just moved from downstairs, but I haven't told the spare room that and I don't think it uses the internet so it won't get to read this.

Man utd and Arsenal both did rather well tonight. And the Mighty Greens march on, 2-1 away to Charlton.

I only opened tonight to let HR have his time in the spotlight. Off you go my Red Army friend.
"Hiya, thanks for the email and the mention. I love the one about parachuting from the Herc and the TACEVAL !
I never had the guts to jump from a serviceable aircraft but was almost the jump pilot at colerne once ! The static lines connect to the pilots` seat frame ! Not really a good idea ! The frm is on rollers ! Also cool parachuting-dude (sitting next to pilot but on floor) with back to controls can be completely oblivious to the fact that his bloody parachute is jamming the controls !
Once took a parachutist for a flight in Germany and he looked quite nervous on the way in to land; so I asked him if he was ok and he told me he was a bit scared because he usually left the plane higher up and had never come back down in one before !
I love the thought of the crisp Cornish morning though.What freedom ! I went to see Freja this morning and she was cute and wrinkly;
Glad Val's bum is better (written in a whisper)
PS: I am taking up reloading my own ammo ...so lots of scope there for blog entries !!"

My baby sister in NZ has promised to read the blog so Hi Clare. Hope Aussie wasn't too bad and the dogs have forgiven you for deserting them again!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Suffolk Sojourn 25 of 137.
Now then! First of all - Pilgrims lose, Tractor Boys win. At your prompt I look at the League table as you suggested a week or two ago - and we've still got a game in hand! Early days?!
Anyway - just got back from Woodstock (Oxon!), a duty welfare call to my folks for the w/e. Good food, fine wine and many family jackanories that force Bil to bed early!
Intrigued by HR's history/CV - he's got a PPL/flies too!!
I had him tagged as some kind of Citizen Smith, considering the armoury details. Should be an interesting get-together when we do sort it! Wonder if my 'ol man taught him - he's still flying/teaching and displaying - at 80+. Was HR at Gutersloh, or Paderborn, with you?
Anyway - Hope Val's not pushing the pain barrier too much in order to sort the Hall/Landing/Stairs etc. Everything in moderation.
As for all your TV/DVD/Satellite/Phone and other technical troubleshooting stuff Paulie - Phew! We're still using the (B&W)TV I had in my room in Upwood in '72. If it ain't broke - don't fix it!! (Hands up who believes that).
Love to all and Blue Skies. CTx