Monday 12 February 2007

Cheryl is 37

When I was younger I always thought that those old gits that said things like "I just don't know where the time has gone" or "policemen look like little boys", were just grumpy old men.

I have joined the ranks. I remember being 37 and looking forward to retiring from the RAF. Becoming a pensioner and getting a stress free job. Spending time at home. You know - things of that sort.

I read once that time is relative to the age of the person living it. To a five year old 20 minutes is an eternity, double maths for a fourteen year old is sheer hell, me at 55 I have no idea where the hell time goes! It is supposed to be something to do with the brain judging time based on it's own experience, if you have lived 55 years then 20 minutes as a proportion of that time isn't a lot (unless you happen to be sitting in a dentist chair, but that is a separate theory!). If you are five then 20 minutes as a proportion of your life is a lot!

Back to the subject at hand. Cheryl is 37 today. Doesn't seem that long ago I was pushing a car in the pouring rain to get Val to hospital to deliver Ches into the world! Today I find myself helping my granddaughter to create a blog for her and her best friend (see the link below). Ah well, let's just hope Argyle can beat Derby on Saturday and get a good draw in the next round of the FA cup!

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