Saturday 21 April 2007

Party time for the 9 year old!!

First thing is blow up the balloons

Cake courtesy of Sylv and George. Green team you will note! Val in the kitchen for the first time this year!

How come only girls dance? The boys just cause headaches!!!!!!!

Grannies united showing the way. Could not get a picture of Val getting up as I had to lift her! One has to know one's limitations I say!!!!

More dancing

The bubble machine is turned on again!

The pinatas (I think that's how its spelt) disappears - and this was the girls. Cheryl did the boys a very very big mistake!!!

Dancing in line - where are the boys? Probably in the loo hatching trouble.

Time to go home.
Alice's party down the school hall. We had a disco and pizza party. Went down very well with the kids but very hard work for the adults! How teachers cope with 35 kids each day I just don't know.
Still, all worth it just to see the look on Al's face when asked if it was a good time!


Anonymous said...

Alice must be exhausted - 2 parties in a week! Never mind Ches, Grand-Dad and Ma too! Looks like a great time had by all - excellent photo's of both events - but a bit cutting by the editor ref Val's 1st time in the kitchen that week. Blue Skies from Suffolk and fond memories to follow - promise - especially ref the loss of teeth and drinking wine through a straw - the good old days. Many revelations to follow - being edited as you read. CT XXX

Unknown said...

Cheers Podga

First comment on the blog!!!!

Must go Chelsea 1 Liverpool 0 half time!!!!