Friday 6 November 2009

Ever wondered?

Ever wondered what happens when you let two 11 year olds free to do what they want?
See the pictures above - thinking about it though, it may have had something to do with All Witches Night.
Al and Zoe had a great time wondering around the streets trying to frighten everyone they met. Trick or treat appears to have taken off in our area. I started with a large container full of packets of sweets and ended up with just the one packet. Phew!!
And now to:

Ever wondered what happens when an eight month old Westie runs around with his best mate?
When the best mate is a rather large white German Sheppard then just look at the shots above.
One very tired little dog. Disney and Bear have only seen each other twice in the last few weeks as Bears dad has been a bit poorly (nice to see you up and about Rob, back to work Monday week mate!!). They made up for lost time. I keep meaning to take the video up as it is so funny watching little and very large play together.
Disney nicked Bears ball tonight but handed it back fairly quickly when he was caught!!
Ever wondered where time goes? Like most people today I just keep meaning to do things, like update this blog, and run out of time.
It is now 8.55 and at 9 there is one of the few programmes Val and I watch together - Benidorm. So there we go I have to dive off now!
I haven't forgotten you all and hope to update on the goings on at 122 - collapsing ceiling and all!!!
Val has just shouted to up so I have to go.
Look after yourselves.

1 comment:

Best of friends said...

heyyy grandad
disneys grown hasnt he
i love the photoes of me and zoelow
x lovs yuuuu loadssss!!!!!!!!!111x al x