Sunday 25 March 2007

Death warmed up

If I had the bravery to post a picture of me now you would get to see what "death warmed up" actually looks like. To put it bluntly I feel like crap.

It all started when Les Cole, one of my work colleagues, decided to come to work with a very heavy cold. You see, in our place if you are sick for more than 7 or so days in a rolling 12 month period then it is a disciplinary offence and you get a warning. Now you can be free of sickness for the previous 40 years but have a bad year then whoosh! You are in front of your boss getting a warning. This goes on your record and is pulled out at the end of the reporting year. If you have a "bad" sick record then down goes your annual mark and out the window goes any chance of a bonus.

Now a bonus, there is another source of irritation. Is it extra money - nope. It is money agreed within the overall pay settlement and then taken out to be handed out in the form of a bonus. Doesn't get added to pay so it is a one only payment that doesn't go towards pension. And not everyone gets it.

Anyway, back to Les. He comes into work with a very heavy cold, spreading germs all over the place. You see you can't afford to go off sick if you can still walk as you might get something really bad and be laid up in bed for over a week later in the year. So into work come Les and his germs. Now I feel like crap.

It is supposed to be efficient. But when you are in work feeling like crap you don't exactly get things done without errors. Ah well, I was so looking forward to this weekend.

Today's picture is the pride of the Victoria State police force. That's the one laying down. The other one looking all serious is my brother Tony. He may actually get around to looking at this blog one day. You know what they are like down under, OK when it comes to cricket, swimming and er, well that's it really. Computers, nah!!!!!!

I may even get a picture from sunny Aussie to post here - hint!!!!

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