Saturday 17 March 2007

Day after the night before

Last night we headed off to the New Continental Hotel to celebrate Sylvia and George surviving 50 years of wedded bliss.

Meal was excellent and we had Glynn and Graham on our table for company. There was also another Valerie and her husband with us, but my hearing being what it is I caught about 25% of the conversation - if that. It was an evening for me to nod and smile without having a clue what I was nodding and smiling about!! A lot like one of those nodding dogs at the back of a car!

Viv, Val's sister, and her hubby Graham came down from Rochester to join in the festivities. It's been rather nice having them stay.

Jo and two of her lads came down for the ride and have been staying out with Ches and Al. Cheryl's back has gone again, I reckon Sciatica (probably spelt incorrectly!). Still, at least they have been able to have a good old chinwag, and can they wag their chins once they get started!!

This week has been a Little busy. Work is work and we just have too much on, never mind Tony Blair and his crowd will find some consultant to hand it over to a private concern. They can do it so much better than the public sector!!

This week we have had Cheryl's meter fitted at last - only taken 5 years or so. Carpet down in Cheryl's so yours truly had to clear the room, not as bad as I thought. Just means it all has to go back in the following day!

We are having our floorboards sorted. I was happy with the recently installed carpet, unfortunately Val wasn't. So dust everywhere and Ben, the chippy, is back on Monday.

All in all a busy week.

Must go as Primeval is just about to start, last in the series. Lin has just come back with Val for a chat and drink.

Never a dull moment!!
Todays picture is Val and Viv this morning.

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