Saturday 12 September 2009

I am furious

Hi all,

Disney here again. I wasn't going to take over the blog again but they have really gone too far this time.

For the past week I have been looking like a dork with a lampshade on my head. Humans get up to some strange things so I just assumed that they were a bit hissed off with me forgetting to go outside to go to the loo.

The lampshade came off when I went up the park with the guys, when we were talking about the lampshade thing some of the guys started winking and pulling my plonker. When I asked them about the "snip snip" comments some of them started giggling. My Rotty friend couldn't stand for laughing. All I could get from them is "You'll see"

Today my so called human friends took the lampshade off. I haven't been able to get a good scratch going for over a week, so really had a good go.

I also like to give myself a lick. For a six month old I am pretty proud of the tackle if you know what I mean.

I don't know how to put this, I am stunned and shocked. You will just not believe it.

I went down for a lick. Well I just find the whole situation incredible.

Not to put too fine a point on it - they have gone. There last week and now gone.

How can wearing a lampshade for a week do that?? Eh? Hells teeth I am not sure what they were for but I was pretty damn proud of them. A fine set. Now I have a prune hanging there!!

I am beside myself. Friends? Bit of a one way street if you ask me!! And the guys up the park. I am going to have a good sniff around their nether regions next time I am up there. No wonder they were giggling. Yeah good joke guys!!!

Furious, absolutely flaming furious!!

I just can't bring myself to say any more. Unbelievable!!!!

All my love



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