Sunday 5 July 2009

My family do not understand me

Me. Only a little wet after my walk.

That's sorted the Alpha males tubs for him.

Time for a kip after all that work.

Evidence of cruelty as explained below. Told you didn't I. This is where they put me after the water torture compartment.

Managed to get that flaming cloth a couple of times. They were rubbing me all over - couldn't even get a good shake going!!

Yeah I admit. I gave up. Could get out of the prison tub they put me in - so no choice.

My true story by Disney. A Tale of cruelty that you will not believe.


My name is Disney and I am a West Highland White Terrier. A am nearly four and a half months old now so you would think that my family would understand that I have a mind and life of my own.

It's always "Disney do this", "Disney do that" don't they realise I have to watch out for intruders all day?

Even when I get my head down for forty well deserved winks I get it. "Isn't he cute" yeah OK, but is there a need to pick me up? I ask you!!

I will give a simple example of the sort of things I have to put up with.

I took the alpha male out for a walk, poor old guy has trouble keeping up with me so I had to keep stopping. Well, it get boring doesn't it and the wet grass looked sooo inviting. What is a guy supposed to do eh? You just have to have a roll don't you.

Got home to see her indoors. She went on a bit. Heck, I was only wet it would have dried off for heavens sake. But no, not allowed on her newly cleaned carpet so we all sat in the kitchen. You know, the kitchen by the back door.

They had there cup of tea but nope, Disney can't have anything to eat after being out on a walk. Bloat they claim. Have you seen those two, Yeah Bloat City there my friends. That's what you get if you have a cup of tea and biscuits within half an hour of a walk!

So, there they are chatting and drinking. I am stuck on the floor, no-one wants a cuddle now do they. Let's wait till he is dry and ASLEEP!!!!

But I digress. Did I mention the kitchen is near a door leading onto my yard. Those flower tubs have been asking for it for a while now. I was to small to get into them before, but now I'm a big guy. Well, I did for 'em good and proper. Dug them out so the Alpha male doesn't have to worry himself about them. Her indoors is always giving the old lugs a bit of a bashing. Poor old guy spends all day out hunting so I thought he would be grateful.
Nope. Humans, who can understand them. They shoved me in this little compartment and subjected me to water torture! Can you believe it. you would think I was some sort of flaming terrorist! They even shoved some stuff on me that stinks just like those flaming flowers I got rid of for them.

Well, must go. Time for another patrol. I have attached photos as proof of the insanity of humans. But hey, you gotta love the cute little varmits haven't you.
Stop for a chat if we meet on a walk.

Love to all


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