I wasn't going to post anything today, Leon posted a comment so I thought I would have a quick five minutes before heading down to watch a film or something. Providing Val lets me near the telly. She is in the kitchen ironing at the moment with all sorts of programmes about Di on the telly. If it keeps her happy then who am I to complain. Don't understand her interest in Di as she is a lifelong republican!
Watched Man U get lucky just now, don't know any other results, apart from the Pilgrims 0-0 home to Leicester. Al and I were thinking of going to that one but if she wants to get the Nintendo DS then £35 for 90 minutes footy is out for a while. (tickets and pie/drinks if you are interested).
Right, I am beggining to ramble now. So over to Leon before you all go to sleep. Up Up and Hold
"Hi P and V. Firstly many congrats on your 37th to go with Barry's 34th.......Re the footy photo. From left to right back row is Billy McQuiston, Richard ? Bill Ellison (Stats Sergeant), Bob Donaldson and Derek Bottomley. In the big photo I can't remember the civvies names apart from Mrs Clarke to my right in the Middle and Ena Brady next but one to Barry on the right. Next to Barry I think was a lady called Gerry Mandley. At the back is WO George Bean who was also at Innsworth when you were there I think? Poor old Mr Rotavator I keep telling him that I have not found Bob Donaldson yet but old green fingers is getting confused. I have only managed to track down Derek and Barry but hopefully will find Bob somewhere. On Wednesday of next week I am doing a commercial so may need to borrow your hearing aids as have not done much recording for a while. Tomorrow the mighty Arsenal are playing again and now I am going to ring my mate to see if he has any tickets. I will also send Derek the Blog title and you may get a comment from Aus, hope so. Take care and remember...... Up Up and Hold. Best Leon. "
Ah well shows how good my memory is!! Isn't it marvellous how we work with people for a couple of years then 30 odd years later can't remember them. Those brain cells must have given up the ghost somewhere along the line. The following bit is for green fingers.
L...E...O...N H...a....s n...o...t f...o...u...n...d B...o...b D. OK?
Reckon that'll do it Leon?
By for now.
Suffolk Sojourn 18 of 134.
Now then Pop Pickers - Seems the flak is coming in from Enfield, Plymouth and pretty soon Oz as well. Gimme a break buddies. Sorry Derek, knew it was you all the time, distracted by Bobby (Babyface) Donaldson in the photo -good luck tracing him Leon.
As for the gardening - hot news - at least 2 more cucumbers are striving to mature (rained tonite).
Anyway, it's late but thought I'd retort sooner rather than later to stop the rot.
Finally - check your pools coupon - Pilgrims - still struggling to even nil-nil draw, Gunners - ou et tu Henri? Lucky result. Tractor Boys - Fear not, a hiccup - and the Red Devils? .. early days, watch this space. And that completes the voting from the Luxembourg jury.
Finally - Miss Belinda's 50th tomorrow, (23 minutes ago actually) so busy me.
Where are you HR, Derek and Wobblegob? We're here!
Blue Skies - CT
Love the sunset or is it sunrise piccy there. Greetings from Holland
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