Wednesday 26 September 2007

One week on

A day out at Mount Edgecombe. The last one showing what a good time was had!

With Lin, Dan and Alisha for a day out

Paul, Al and Floydboy off to the minature pony centre

Al in HER study, or so she keeps telling her mum!

Billy The Kid (Cat!)

At home in the sunshine

And if you thought Val was left out....

Thought that with winter coming I would bang on a few of the photo's that Ches and Al have taken during the summer. I only downloaded them this weekend so they were fresh in my mind

Hells teeth. Is it really a week since I last put fingers to keys on this blog? They say time goes faster when you are busy but it just rockets by nowadays and I don't feel that rushed!

Val went to see the Arthur specialist last Friday. He said they were relieved to see her as they thought she had the big C when they saw the x rays. As I just e-mailed to little sister Clare in sunny NZ, I am glad they didn't see Val before the Chest Consultant!! Latest update on Val's health is that her Cholesterol is 5.2, I put it down to too good a lifestyle with me! They medics aren't worried about that. My theory is that they just don't think she can take any more flaming pills! The new treatment for Arthur is out the window as it appears she had TB, or some form of it, in the past.

The latest move is to try to stop the modules from popping out all over the place. Strangely enough that is the one thing above all others that Val really gets bothered about! Vanity eh!!!

As previously reported I am now officially a KOS. Along with the blood pressure pills and the Cholesterol pills I am now going through the process of getting used to the hearing aids. Bloody weird I can tell you. The brain has forgotten how to block out background sounds so I get the whole lot. I can keep them on for about 3 hours at home at the moment. Next stop is taking them to work. It will be a case of MP3 player out of the ears and HA's in!! Before the piss takers start (you know who you are!!) as the Beatles said "It won't be long, yeah", my turn will come.
Before I go, do you remember I told you that Alice was dead keen on a Nintendo DS lite and that she was doing chores to earn money to be able to by one? She got up to £26 when a cheque came through the post. Those nice people at the now defunct Portman BS were taken over, oops sorry - merged with, the Nationwide BS. Al, as a qualifying member, got a £200 cheque. Normally she would have invested this "for her education" but this time was allowed to purchase one DS lite and 4 games from Toys 'r' us for £139.99. One very happy little girl who also knows the value of saving!!

You lot look after yourselves - and I await comments!!!!!!!

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