Wednesday 13 June 2007

Is it that long?

Just thought you would like to see the photo of the first kid in space. Up to now it has been classified, but this blog has special permission to publish!

I was a little surprised when I realised how long it had been since the last posting.

As is normal in the life of the Mann household a fair bit has happened in the short time we have been away.

Most important thing was Ches giving up her job with Hadens because of her bad back and starting with the 118118 call centre. OK so far. Until she was told after two weeks of training, fail tomorrows test and you are out! As you may have guessed as I am writing this she was unsuccessful in the aforementioned test. She now finds herself looking for work and using the wonderful organisation that I employs me!! If she knew that 118 had that particular policy I doubt that she would have given up Hadens. Life is a real bitch sometimes.

On another note, after 10 years I and my fellow members of the SB investment club have decided to call it a day. The main point of such a club is fun, but the spark had gone out and it became a bit of a drudge. Shame really as we did OK when it comes down to it. The year of the big crash we managed to turn in a 10% profit and we turned £1 into £1.22 over the last year. Not bad for a bunch of amateurs. Pity the professionals running my endowment policy weren't as good! Of course the club didn't pay it's members huge sums of other peoples money - but that's another story.

You may have missed the ramblings of Blue Skies aka podgas pieces aka CT. Well he has let me know that all is well, just a bit of a problem of his ISP promising the earth and forgetting the delivery bit once they had the cash. He assures me that he will be back on line some time this month.

Recently I treated myself to the "Yes Minister" and "Yes Prime Minister" Box sets. Times just don't change in Government circles. After all these years it could have been written yesterday.

Also went mad and bought "Kung Fu", the old series with David Carradine (?). Just hope they remember dear old UK when series 3 (the last one) is put onto DVD.

Well, that's it for now. For those of you that missed what happened to Tommy he is safe and well at home and, no it wasn't me!

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