Sunday 17 October 2010

Meet Google

Apologies for the long absence. I didn't realise it had been so long.

I will do a proper post to update on our activities when (as usual) I get a bit of time.

Time is even more rare now as we have an additional mouth to feed.
Val and I went up to Llanelli yesterday to a sanctuary called "Many Tears". We collected Google. The photo's give an idea of who I am talking about.

He was born an March 2009 (Disney was Feb 09) and he has not had a good life thus far. He is a bag of bones and scared of everything - and I mean everything. He cannot deal with a sudden noise and runs away. When he is at the farthest point he runs in a circle, diameter about 3 feet. We reckon that must have been the size of the cage he has lived (existed?) in for the past 19 months. Puppy farm and kept just to breed. Bloody disgraceful.

I have heard of them but this is the first time I have seen the results of this evil practice.

Seeing he only got here last night things have improved. He has discovered the delights of fries (on the journey back) and Pizza (today as we ran out of time getting his new stuff and letting him settle in.

Disney is not sure. He has gone for Google a couple of times but not now since this afternoon. Gone for him is a bit OTT, growled and nudged would be more accurate. We had them playing out the back this evening with a couple of rubber balls. We were chuffed as we were not sure if Google knew how to play. Both balls are now in bits in the bin as a matter of interest!!

I am going to sign off as I am a bit tired after yesterdays drive and I need to shower and see to Dis and Goog before crashing out.

1 comment:

Clare Mann said...

This is fabulous - Disney will get used to it and it won't be long before you will be thanked heartily.

As the owner of three dogs, they just love being in a pack!
