Wednesday 9 April 2008

We now have a computer suite

Sounds good doesn't it!

We have purchased a new computer so now have two in what was my study. Al renamed it to computer suite as, using her logic, in school if there are two or more computers then it is a computer suite!

It has been a nightmare setting this machine up. We were sold an incompatible monitor, so not off to a good start. As you may know Val hasn't been well so I wasn't able to devote the time I wanted to setting the thing up.

PC World replaced the monitor after I took the CPU box and Monitor back and showed them.

I have had problems since which I think may have arisen from the numerous times I switched the machine off at the "on" button rather than correct switch off. Very difficult to switch off correctly without a monitor!!!

My next problem is working out where this machine keeps it's photo file. Have just downloaded Kodak easyshare and connected the camera so I know there is at least one photo in there - just can't find it!!

Have to keep this picture less and short as it is now midnight and this will be the earliest I have got to bed since Sunday night!!

Hopefully normal service will be resumed fairly quickly!

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