Saturday, 21 July 2007

Mum's car is on fire!!

Last night I was sitting in my study working on the wind up of our Investment Club, more on that later, when Alice (granddaughter) and her friend, Josh, come running in shouting that her mum's car was on fire. Those of you up to speed will realise she was talking about my daughter, Cheryl.

Went rushing out to the smell of burning oil. The car wasn't on fire but it was certainly poorly. Ches had the bonnet up, something my time on the fireman's strike in the late 70's told me not to do. However, too late at this stage.

We pushed the car into the side of the road to park up and I gave a shaky Cheryl and adrenalin running Alice a lift home. Today the breakdown man arrived to have a look. One burnt out clutch. The car was only serviced a couple of weeks ago so more expense for Ches. Lost her job last month, car expense this month - I think she is feeling a little "what have I done"!! Thank goodness she has listened to her financial advisor (me) over the years had has saved for the inevitable car problems. Ah well, she starts a course via JCP on Monday and, hopefully, will be looking at training or job hunting with a vengeance very soon.

Back to the S.B. Investment Club. As when we started all the members were Benefit Agency Fraud Investigators we thought S.B. (Scroat Busters) was a good name. Started April 1997 so we have been going for 10 years. Longer than we thought when we first set out. We have had some cracking investments. RPS and Sutton Harbour stand out, and some dive. Greenwich Resources and Jarvis stand out here! Over the period we have made a profit, but a good interest rated account would probably done as well. But we have had some good fun and some very interesting meetings!

All in all glad we started but the enthusiasm was going so "now is the time to say goodnight - goodnight" as Pete and Dud would say!!

Uncle Christopher AKA Blue Skies has had a few technical problems. A shortened version arrived. So without further ado.

"Up Up and Hold....This is my 3rd attempt at leaving a comment since Tuesday (now Friday pm). It used to be easy - this is no. 13 of 137 - all of a sudden I can't get in.Good to see Leon is in on this. Sweated over a major piece for you both on Tue but it just hasn't appeared so I'm not going to repeat it unless I get in.Yours frustratingly, oh and Blue Skies! "

Hmmm. Not sure what is wrong. Sounds as though someone doesn't know what the save facility is all about!!! I'm sure he'll figure things out, he's quite switched on for a muscle mechanic you know!!!!!!

Speaking of Mechanics - where's the comment from the ex Brown Job!!!!! Come on HR - join the fun.


Anonymous said...

Suffolk Sojourn No. 14 of 137.

I got in again - I think. Hope Cheryl's car will be ok - all will be well - she has a goodly Dad with excess cash availaible from his carefully considered investments!

So - onwards and upwards. My finely nurtured piece to you on Tuesday disapeared into the ether. However, am trying again:

Ref Leon's "Up - Up and ...Hold". Whilst you were at home, carefully nurturing Emerson, God Bless Him, with his supper (Tarkus from ELP in the background rather than TV) I was at work in the gym running Ladies Keep Fit - with a dozen or so wives who weren't into Corrie. Unbeknown to me, all the singlies,(Leon, Barry, Derek, Ron & Spike)- allegededly playing volleyball with the Iranian english students -were actually peering through the holes in the fitness room door at a bunch of girlies lying down with their legs in the air. My carefully phrased commands have been part of Leon's vocabulary ever since.

Rang Dave the Rave last week to encourage him to join you/us, and contribute - but he hasn't a computer. He wasn't actually in -he's been nursing for the last 25 years and had left for the night shift at Huntingdon hospital - so his partner Geoff advised me. He'll ring me though - allegedly.

Leon rang this afternoon - much ground covered, for later publication, but he was impressed by HR's Gibson Balelaika Flying V in the photo - reminded him of Andy Powell at the Melody Maker Poll Winners concert at the Oval in 72.

Blues Skies (Well here anyway - every where else is awash!)

Porky Middleblocker - News at 10 - Stowmarket.

Anonymous said...


Just read Blue Skies comments which somehow were above this blog I am writing..............

Hope the car did not cause too much of a problem for you...... I think they are able to pop a new clutch in now pretty quickly, as opposed to weeks, years ago.

I had to laugh at Groucho's comments about the keep fit class.......... He was the original Mr Motivator, although as this occurred in Upwood he was known as " Mr Rotavator ". It used to be so funny when we said come and play football/basketball etc and he said he couldn'nt as he had things to do !!!! yeah right !

It was more like up, up, up, (little swig from the beer can, couple of quick puffs on a ciggie), and hold.......... Oh sorry missus ........ and relax !!! Great fun for all.

Interesting Paul that you said you met up with McQuiston and Wilkinson at Innsworth...SNCO'S Wonder what they are doing now?
Incidentally Orange was the format of speakers that I started out using, (for Music Videos and playback for various bands but as time went on I started using a company called Bluebox (bright blue like blue skies blogs), then changed to black custom made for me by a mate. The reason for that was you could hide them easier on a shoot and get close in without being picked up by the camera. They have been used in countless jobs with my catchphrase of " Heard but not seen " which most production companies liked. However as time has marched on I don't do those anymore as now they use runners for playback and pay them 20 pence a day for the privaledge as they " want to join the film industry ".......blah blah. Any way that's another story.
It's now just after midday and I must go into town to collect a few bits and bobs as got a busy time starting tomorrow. All the best and cheerio..........
