The boys, Disney and Google, go to bed.
Al and her friends cat
Cheryl at Wembury
This is what happens when I get up!
Just to let you know that if you were aware that Google had a couple of visits to the vets last week to have a look at the rather large bump on his foot it all turned out OK. And we all know how much Google loves a visit to the vets.
The Vets rang us on Thursday to say that the result of the biopsy meant that he could remove the dressing and go for his usual walk in Plymbridge over the weekend. Phew!
Because the dressing was removed it meant that the bump was open to the world. Unfortunately that also meant that Google could lick / bite it. It now doesn't look very nice at all. I have to check in a minute, but I think that dogs have an antiseptic on their tongues, I hope so as he has a hole where the bump used to be! Not a pretty sight.
On top of that the the rather damaged Green Army served up a cracking game on Saturday to beat Walsall 2-0. All we need now is a miracle and we can apply to the church to put Peter Reid up for Sainthood. As I believe Saint Peter has already been used I think Saint Readie will have to suffice.
I must take this opportunity to say "Congrats" to Tony and Donna over their forthcoming wedding. Good luck and lots of love to you both.