Thursday, 25 June 2009

Val's Birthday - 56 !!!!

Happy Birthday today to Val, not changed a bit since we met. That was Jan 31 1968. Since then my eyes and hearing have both gone pear shaped!!!
I had today off courtesy of Her Majesty the Queen. Thanks Liz, appreciate it.
Al had to go to school. Ches was off today. So we three plus Disney took a wonder out onto Dartmoor. Got caught up in a roundup of sheep which occupied some well behaved and intelligent dogs - until they spotted Disney and came over for a look. Man on horse had to get them back!!
Val says many thanks for cards / pressies / e-mails received. Hopes you are all keeping well. Weather here fine just hope Northern Hemisphere isn't to cold now it's winter!! Yeah, I know your winter is warmer than most of our summer!! Anyway, love to all down under.
Well, thought you may like to see the latest from HR - He of the red ink!! Our congrats go to HR and JJ. The subject he is talking about below is "Je heb en hel moi hondje !!" I wouldn't know if he has got it right or not - and he knows that!! He could be saying something rude for all I know - and that would not surprise me either!!!

"Hiya, I think the Dutch "subject" is OK it means you have a very nice doglet .

Sorry I have been quiet but thanks to looking at the wrong kind of things on the internet (yup... Morris Dancers) I had a PC virus and it stopped me getting on the internet.Thanks to a friend I have installed Avast , which is a freeware item designed by a sailor!

Now I am back on and my biggest problem is getting rid of my useless Norton "actually I don`t stop viruses I let them pass through unscathed" program. Like Gordon Brown it won`t go when it ought (or Margaret Thatcher too I suppose).

I have news and that is : JJ and I are getting married next July ! She will become Mevrouw Johanne Jantje Holden-Rushworth ! or JJ H-Rat the moment her "callsign" is W2B , or "Wife to be". She has begun calling me Hubby !Its cute.
This is significant because she has previously retained her Family Name of Danhof when married before. So I am a very happy ted. I have lots more to tell but will catch up later. i have to wash the dishes !!

You can put any of this on the blog if you like. Its good to see you all happy and that Hondje is supercute !! Bob and JJ xx"
We are really happy for them and hope you all join us in wishing them the best in their new life together.
As a footnote I would just like to say congrats to Mrs Nikki Waldron and her hubby on the birth of their little one. I hear it was a fairly long labour so mum was probably a tad tired afterwards - yeah OK only a bloke could say that. Start saving for the University slot now Nikki!!!

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Disney and friends

Just thought I should show some more photos. Dissy is growing, by last Monday has tripled in size since we got him

If you are thinking of getting a pup - even a very small one, just look at the paper wreckage and the innocent face. "I didn't mean to do it dad - honestly". The paper wreck ones were taken a couple of weeks ago, the ones of him with us humans are today as are the ones in the hall.

Apprentice final on in 2o minutes so I have to rush and hope the photos download quickly!!!
Very impressed, download done in five minutes. I always open in paint and shrink 25% before uploading, the picture quality is the same on the blog and it saves a whole lot of time.
A bit of "Nightwish" playing on my PC via iTunes at the moment, I do like that band. Maybe I am a closet Goth!!!!

Bye for now and don't forget that you are allowed to comment!!!