It is with great sadness that we have to inform you that Holly has passed away.
Sunday morning she woke up and wasn't right. We thought at the time that she may have had a stroke. She went for her walk on Sunday but wasn't her normal self.
On Monday we took her to the vets and had to carry her up two stairs into the surgery. She had an injection of Steroids and some pain killers, just in case it was something other than a stroke.
On Tuesday Val contacted the vets again and told them there was no improvement. In fact, even though she had had two more painkillers in the morning Holly was showing signs of distress come lunchtime. As she was on the same painkillers as Val has for her Arthur Holly had one of them.
The vet came out and Holly was in her bed in her spot by the radiator. She hated going to the vets, we didn't want her passing over in distress so she had us all around her and just went to sleep.
We were concerned about Al being there but the vet, Trevor Grinter, and his nurse were brilliant and explained everything the Al. We are now glad that we didn't try to go behind her back and say bye to Holly when Al was at school.
Hols was a rescue dog so we never really knew her age, but we guessed at 13 or 14 years. She is already being missed.
There was no way she was going to suffer. 13 good years ending with a couple of bad months just because we don't want to let go just doesn't seem right to us. Anyway she is now up with her friend, Treacle, running and jumping like a pup again.