Monday, 18 August 2008

Back to work

This is my second attempt to write this posting this evening. Not sure what happened to the other one, I think Google was having a bit of trouble.
I have to keep this short as I am pushed for time, even more so now.
Even less time as Cheryl has just rung up about their cat, billy. She was going to take him to the vet's hospital as he has a sore foot and green gunge in the eyes. He was so poorly he fought the box to get out and is now prancing around trying to go out hunting! Green gunge gone.
Cats are cats, he has been in for a couple of days and is now stir crazy! She is going to let him out into the woods in the valley. He will be out all night and probably most of tomorrow now!
Well, now back to this posting. The Gods seem to want it finished quickly - or not at all. So last attempt. The photos above are ones taken during my birthday party. Not often do we get together, but Clare is over from NZ so advantage was taken.
Val, Ches, Al, my dad, sister Mary, sister Clare and friend Lin all feature somewhere above. Oops nearly forgot. And me.
No more risks being taken I am calling it a night and getting ready for New Tricks.
Bye for now, hope next time will not be as long a gap!!

Back to work

Ah well. All good things come to an end so they say. I returned to work today after practicing for my retirement for the past three weeks.

During my leave I had a Birthday that marks my three years to retirement point. Well, to part time work actually if I can. But end of full time anyway!

We had a super break. Weather was a but on the wet side, but who cares when one is home in the bosom of one's family?

Had a bit of a do, arranged by my loving family, to celebrate birthday. Photo's as above.

Most of the time, when out, the camcorder was taken. So have a few movies to show should you ever pop in!

Unfortunately still as busy as ever, all the things I promised myself to do painting wise in the house failed due to the constant state of waterlogged pitch!!

Well the photo's above are not going to happen. No idea why but I can't get a connection to upload them. I will try again later. In the meantime, sorry for short posting but catch you again soon.