Thursday, 26 April 2007


I was going to put in a decent (lengthwise) post today but, again, have run out of time.

Val and I are about to head off to meet up with Gray and Sandra to go gigging. Can't keep old giggers down.

Australian Pink Floyd are at the Pavilions tonight. Seen them a couple of times, a first for Val and I would guess Sandra also. They put on a good show. Just hope it's better than the Jethro Tull concert I finally got Val to go to some years ago - really not good at all!!

Well technophobes. If you pan down you will see that there is finally a comment on the old blog. Believe me if Podga can post a comment ........!!!!!!!

Will update re concert later. Must go as it starts in an hour.

Sunday, 22 April 2007

The day after the party before

Those that couldn't stay still when the music stopped

Just after singing "Happy Birthday". One embarrassed Birthday Girl
Time out for Pizza

Grandad's two little helpers ????????

Honest, Alice did blow out the candles!

Nearly there. Goodie bag distribution time.

And so to tidy up time. Al tidied the remains of the cake.
And that's it for another year. Al is already talking about a repeat performance for her 10th. That's OK by me as long as there are no boys!!!! Girls just dance and talk. 15 boys together - never again!!!
Well ....... might have a change of mind in a years time!

Saturday, 21 April 2007

Party time for the 9 year old!!

First thing is blow up the balloons

Cake courtesy of Sylv and George. Green team you will note! Val in the kitchen for the first time this year!

How come only girls dance? The boys just cause headaches!!!!!!!

Grannies united showing the way. Could not get a picture of Val getting up as I had to lift her! One has to know one's limitations I say!!!!

More dancing

The bubble machine is turned on again!

The pinatas (I think that's how its spelt) disappears - and this was the girls. Cheryl did the boys a very very big mistake!!!

Dancing in line - where are the boys? Probably in the loo hatching trouble.

Time to go home.
Alice's party down the school hall. We had a disco and pizza party. Went down very well with the kids but very hard work for the adults! How teachers cope with 35 kids each day I just don't know.
Still, all worth it just to see the look on Al's face when asked if it was a good time!

Thursday, 19 April 2007

So long?

1st photo taken out front of Ches and Al's starring roles are Al and Jaz. The shortcut to their blog is down in the links bit.
2nd is the group shot with them all being totally serious.
3rd is grub up.
I cannot believe that it is 10 days since I last posted. Time is just shooting by like there is no tomorrow!
Alice was 9 on Monday so things have been revolving around that particular milestone really. She had a party for some of her smaller friends and ones that can't make her party mark 2 on Saturday. The Pizza and Disco party!

The photos are of the party mark 1. Hopefully I will remember my camera, must add it to the list(!), so you will get some pictures sometime next week.

As you can see from the photos the weather is pretty damn good. The mornings are a bit nippy but once it warms up all around are smiling. Nothing like a little sun to put the smile back on peoples faces!
I heard from baby sister Clare in not so sunny NZ today. She is in the dog house. Took the cooking idea a little too far and fried B's hard drive. Oops. And she couldn't even blame the dogs - you will note plural here as she and B have adopted another little bundle of fur. The country life eh!! She has been a little poorly so I hope that B has not given her too much of a hard time over the drive.
I have been hitting the e-bay over the last week or so. We got Al and Easter egg that had a subbuteo free kick kit in it. Al loved it so I have been getting teams from e-bay. We have been successful on bids for teams, pitch, goals and balls, so when they all arrive we will be having a competition or two. Any one feel like recapturing their youth then contact us!!
Well it's shower time. Val has nearly finished watching "Sea of souls", too scary for me, so it's nearly beddy bo bo time. Bye for now and wish us luck for Saturday!

Monday, 9 April 2007

Miniature Pony Centre

Picture 1. Ches and Val about to ride a horse. Al getting out of the way fast in the background!

Picture 2. Al did know how to work it!

Picture 3. Not two weeks old.

A super day was had by all.

Sunday, 8 April 2007


Today has been a lovely day. Val and I down to St. Austell market, something we haven't done for a while now. Once Val's Arthur started to kick in it became difficult for her to walk around. However, we are now better at managing the whole thing and she has some extra strong painkillers. Combine the two and we had a nice couple of hours down there.

Yesterday Lin came around with Liz, her daughter in law, Liz's baby Daisy and Lin's other granddaughter Alisha. Ches and Al around for a coo and cuddle. Chuck in Holly, as a female she wanted in on what was going on, and you have a room full of females. A room full of females with a baby in there for good measure - I disappeared up to my study. Managed to get some discs done for the car and a cover done for a couple of DVD's. My idea of fun upstairs and the girls having fun downstairs. What more can you want on a Bank Holiday?

Al is going to be distraught tomorrow as on our way to St Austell we drove through Dobwalls. Dobwalls activity park is where we spend a week each summer. Al and her mate "Floyd Boy" are driven down daily and they then spend a day trying to get things out of me. I give in on occasions but mainly they go off and entertain themselves. When the weather is fine it is the ideal school holiday spot.

Why should Al be distraught? Well, on the way up the hill I looked to the right and saw a huge construction site. This site seemed to be very close to the activity park. On returning home I checked the park web site. It is not opening this year due to construction. I have e-mailed them to get an idea what is happening and hopefully all will OK for 2008. In the meantime I have to find somewhere to take the Al each day for a week come the summer holidays. Suggestions please.

On a different note, sometime ago I went into "Jessops" to get batteries for my camera. I was told the batteries I required were no longer produced. However, Jessops had some that would work and they also sold a recharger to go with them. So, being a trusting soul I bought them. I have had nothing but trouble but I persisted. Today I was walking Holly up the park and thought that I should get some new batteries, so got home and went to trusty Google.

Kodak came up so I thought, check it out even though I have been assured I would be wasting my time. You are ahead of me aren't you. Yep, there were the batteries I was told were discontinued. Damn, never again will I darken Jessops doorstep!! I now await my package from Kodak.
Today's picture from the vaults is one Silvia has uncovered of Val's Mum and Dad's wedding day.

Wednesday, 4 April 2007


TOMMY IS FREE. How long have we waited to hear this news.

This blog was given an exclusive interview by a relieved Graham Pearn today. Tommy has been returned. A copy of the note announcing his freedom was released by his kidnappers on 31 March 2007. A copy has been obtained by this blog and appears for your perusal.
It has been discovered that the kidnappers were none other than the notorious Age and Jeff. Suspicion during this investigation was even directed towards this blog, we were amazed to discover today.

Graham and Sandra were so beside themselves with worry they even turned their desperate suspicion on to this very writer. What could have been going on in their minds? Can you imagine the state they were in. But now their ordeal is over.
Tommy is home.

We can report that, after his ordeal and the hands of two such despicable characters, Tommy is being taken away for a well deserved holiday. He is so traumatised by the whole episode that there has to be a period of family bonding. Graham and Sandra are taking him to the Isle of Wight to recuperate.
What was going through the minds of Age and Jeff - we can only speculate.

But good news at last.

Monday, 2 April 2007

Paris and Nichole hit town

I cannot tell you how excited I was when I spotted Paris Hilton and Nichole Richie in town. I was in for the 50th wedding anniversary bash of Silvia and George when I spotted them.

At first they tried to deny it but then kindly agreed to pose for an exclusive photo. I mean, you can see for yourselves, there is just no denying the fact that they were here in little old Plymouth.
I keep pinching myself to see if I was dreaming, but the evidence was delivered today when Silvia dropped off the photos of the do.

Not since Napoleon sat in Plymouth Sound has Plymouth seen celebs of such stature.

I think I need to dive off and take a blood pressure pill before I am overwhelmed by it all!!!!

Mind you, they do look a little different than their publicity photos. I suppose a little touch of the airbrush is something all celebs get up to.